speaker details
Morten Kjetland
Morten Kjetland is a versatile and highly skilled systems developer with broad technology experience. He has worked professionally with Java since 2001 and has lately taken an interest in Scala. He has experience from telecom, finance and insurance and has since February 2011 been a core developer for the Play Framework open source project.


Play! framework: a revolution in the Java world

This presentation introduces the Play! framework to the audience. The Play! framework is a framework that introduces conventations over configuration paradigm and easy support for RESTful web application. This framework is one of the few to be completely stateless. It also emphasis on the RESTful architecture. Through a small application we will discover the wonderful world of the play framework and how easy and fast it is to develop a web application while interfacing with other applications. We will first introduce shortly the framework and the vision behind the framework to the attendees. We will then explain the main concept behind the framework and then perform a live demo coding of a small application.


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